If you, a family member or friend have been diagnosed with a life limiting or life changing condition…come and join our many support days!
When and what condition?
When Every Tuesday 9am – 4pm
What Condition? Parkinson’s No appointment or referral needed
When Every Wednesday 10am – 4pm
What Condition? Cancer and Palliative Care, Motor Neurone Disease
When Every Thursday 10am – 4pm
What Condition? Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke, Brain Injuries, Complex Pain, Respiratory Conditions and more
When Every Friday 11am – 2pm
What Condition? Dementia & Frail Older People Café
The Sandville Self Help Foundation is a safe and friendly environment where people with Dementia and Frail Older People and their family and friends can use our café which offers a variety of homemade food and refreshments and enjoy the activities that are available.
The trained and experienced team at the Sandville Self Help Foundation aim to:
Provide individuals and family members with an opportunity to meet and give mutual support around a diagnosis and treatment.
Provide an opportunity for individuals to attend sessions within the Gym/Mobility Suite and Wellbeing Studio including Yoga, Relaxation, Tai Chi, Pilates, Chair Exercises, Circuits and Parkinson’s circuit classes.
Provide individuals with an opportunity to use the Hydrotherapy Pool to assist in rehabilitation, improving mobility and maximising independence.
Provide individuals with an opportunity to access Complementary Therapies including Reflexology, Reiki, Acupuncture and Hypnotherapy used in the management of pain, anxiety, difficulty in sleeping and more.
Provide hairdressing and beauty advice pre and post chemotherapy and other treatments.
Provide safe access to our Sensory Garden and gardening opportunities.
Share practical information and signpost to other support services.

Evening Support Groups

1st Wednesday of Each Month

Walking Group

2nd Wednesday of Each month
Please contact the Sandville Self Help Foundation for more information about our support groups.
info@sandville.org.uk | 01656 743344
No appointment or referral needed.